en  :  book09 The caucasian secrets

Chapter I. The attraction of true                                                            



Being surprised that the manuscript, containing the information on Pharaoh's Cylinders, I managed to find at the Caucasus, I become interested in the history of Caucasian peoples.
I found out that Gerodot had a famous story about the Egyptian origin of colches - people that inhabited the ancient Colhchis, Egyptian on the Caucasus? It was a piece of news to me!
In the XIII century A.D., Pharaoh Ramzes II (Sezoctris), as Gerodot describes it, arrived at the river of Phase (the modern river Rioni). I can't tell exactly whether the tsar Ramzes himself, having separated the part of his soldiers, dissatisfied with his wandering, remained at the river Phase. The Colches, obviously Egyptians, and Colches remembered the Egyptians better, than the Colches remembered the Egyptians. I state this opinion which I had opened for myself before I had heard something from the others and as I was interested in it, I asked those and the friends. Egyptians spoke that in their opinion, the Colches occurred in Sezostrisov armies. I assumed it because the Colches were dark-skinned and had curly hair. However, it proves nothing so as there are other peoples with similar signs. There is a much more important circumstance that the Colches, Egyptians and Ethiopians the only ones among all the other people made trimming...Syrians and neighboring macrons say that they have learned this from Colches. Now I shall take another proof of Colches' relationship with Egyptians: Egyptians and they themselves process flax in an identical way and in general their way of life and language represent mutual similarity.
In 1860 Dimity Bakradze in "Sketches of Mingrelia, Samuzakanya and Abkhazia" wrote that Abkhazians had appeared from the Egyptian colony, which Sezostris the Great installed in XII century up to P.X on the coast of Pontes Evksinos (Black Sea - auth.). To prove this, some newest authors specify the similarity of the Abchazian physiognomies to the features of persons kept on the Egyptian mummies, which kept similar words in their language, customs which are general in the life of both peoples and even some ancient Colches' coins, having the style of the Egyptian coins."
And presently abkhasian Mazhagv Adlejba from the village of Otap told that there were a lot of Arabs, who were from Msyra (Egypt).
In the legend, given by D.I. Gulia in his "History of Abkhazia", he tells that in the antiquity Abkhazians lived in Msyra (Egypt) and their leader took the son of the great tsar for education. During the game the boy had occasionally his eye pricked out. Abkhazians being afraid of the Tsar's anger decided to leave for the North. And so in that way the Pharaoh's Cylinders could get to the Caucasus!
Frankly speaking, I was stunned with this information. You see I lived in Abkhazia as a child, probably, went to the same places where the soldiers of Razes II went, made friends with Abkhazians' boys who could bear in themselves the genes of the people of the country of Hem...
My ancestors lay in this ground. Almost mystical communication line with ancient Egypt began to create itself, coming from my childhood and having received a strong reinforcement as a result of the strange incident.
In one of the days, during my work over this book, a neighbour came to our apartment to treat us with the sweets she had received as a present from Germany...
- "And this is probably some kind of game, it was in the parcel too, but we don't need it, take it for your son," - she told.
I thanked her and, having unwrapped the packet I was dumb … I had the ancient Egyptian papyrus, only of modern origin though it was completely executed according to the recipe of ancient Egyptians. The basic hieroglyphs and numerical signs of the country of Hem were represented there. I apprehended the papyrus as a mark and hung it on the wall above the bed.
"Amsyrkiaad" is the abkhasian word which means "a papyrian paper" and is completely conformable to the ancient Egyptian word of the same value… And the name of the settlement Mjussery in Abkhazia is translated as "Egypt" from the Abkhazians language.
Similarity of the Abkhazian and Ancient Egyptian language is evident even to the nonprofessional.The small Abkhazian settlement Gandripsh (Gantiadi) is located on the coast of the fast mountain River Khashups. Doesn't it sound like the same with the name of the river in honour of XVIII dynasty of Khatshepsut (1525-1503 AD), who lived 250 years before the arrival of the group Sezostris on the costs of Pontus Evksinsky. And wasn't it natural for Egyptians, grieving for the native land to give the names of their famous ancestors to the local geographical objects?
Archeological excavations confirm an active human activity in the area of the river Khashups. In 1917 bronze axes were found there whose age is estimated as three thousand years. Whose are they?
I was washed away to hear the name of pharaoh Heops in the Abkhazian name of the river Hipst, but I knew that Heops is a Greek transcription of the name of pharaoh Hufu and didn’t give up to a temptation. However the Greeks lived in these places and the toponimics of the district could bear all kinds of possible changes.
And how on the clay of the small jug from a burial ground in the Abkhazian settlement Darpnari was there an image of an eagle or the falcon-person? Wasn't it the god of Mountains?
Among the findings which were made at the excavation of the well-known site of ancient town Vansk in Colchis, there was a golden suspension bracket like a head of a bull on whose forehead there was a triangle marked with corns (grains). But this is Apis! The sacred bull of dark color with a white triangle on the forehead considered a symbol of fertility of the Nile.
And flax mentioned by Gerodot? The linen canvas and a cloth in the Western Georgia considered to be sacred as it was in Ancient Egypt, Gerodot tells, that in Egypt it was forbidden to enter a temple in woolen clothes and, moreover, it was prohibited to bury dead people inside. So it was in Ancient Colchis. The rests of linen clothes were found in burial places of Dablagam and Vani in V-VIII AD. Prior to the beginning of our century they kept the custom to wrap the deceased into linen clothes of domestic work.
Still rather recently the bloodless victim was brought to the Goddess Kwikween, the goddess of plants and harvests while gathering flax from the fields. There were magnificent conditions in Colchis for fluxing a damp climate and warmth. And the river Rioni contains not less silts, than the water of the Sacred Nile. It is supposed that Colches like Egyptians were able to use floods of the Phase for silting the fields.
Abkhazia is a country full of secrets and riddles. Being a child, I lived in Sukhumi and heard stories about the legendary city which sunk in the ancient times, Dioskuria, laying at the bottom of Sukhumi bay. Frequently after a strong gale the local residents found gold, silver and cooper coins on the coast. At the end of the last century there was a real craft of getting ancient subjects, which have been towns out by the sea.
Presently ruins of buildings are found out at the bottom of the sea. Alas, the depths of the Sukhumi bay and a thick layer of silt at the bottom do not give an opportunity to carry out detailed archeological research. The depth of the bottom grows sharply from the coast. Presumably at the beginning of our era a tectonic accident took place there. But there are some facts denying this hypothesis.
The history of the city is amazingly interesting. Brothers-twins Kastor and Polidevk, fellow travelers of legendary seafarer Jason, left him in the area of present Sukhumi where there was an Abkhazian settlement Akua and founded a city, which was named Dioskuria, the city of twins.
Kastor was known as the tamer of horses and Polidevk was glorified as a fisticuffs fighter. It was VII-VI century before AD, almost half-millenium after Sezostris's soldiers had arrived to Colchis.
Due to its successful location at the crossing of trading ways Dioskuria developed quickly. The historian Strabon wrote that the city served as the common trading port and its own coin was minted there! "About three hundred peoples speaking different languages gathered there. Subsequently we (the inhabitants of Rome) conducted there affairs by means of thirty hundred translations", tells the Risk writer Pliny the Second.
There's a marble gravestone monument of the times of the victim of Dioskuria (V-IV before AD) in the Sukhumi Museum of Regional Studies, found under the water in the mouth of the river Besletki. As a child I stood in the museum near the monument, peering in relief images of two women and a boy. There was sadness in their faces...
By the first century of our era the city has come in decline, especially after the war between the Roman commander Pompeii and the tsar Mitridat VI. Approximately at the same time Dioskuria was comprehended with a huge landslip (or earthquake), as a result of which it lay down to the bottom. At the place of the perished Dioskuria, Rome's inhabitants proved the military settlement, named Sebastopolis. But this city never reached the former glory of Dioskuria. And only later, in IV century, the city of Tshum was mentioned in the Georgian chronicles. After some time the inhabitants erected a famous Abkhazian wall - a fortification lasting through the country for hundreds of kilometers. Now it is greatly destroyed.
To the south of Sukhumi's seacoast there is its suburb Kelasuri. There's one of the towers of the Abkhazian wall. Here I came to bathe together with my parents. Grey blocks sweated together cobble - stones piled up in the dark blue water, the fragments of the fortification which had fallen into water. I also built small sand towers. The wet building material quickly dried up in the sun and showered with thin streams. It gave an ancient and deserted sight to my fortress. Then over and over quick waves ran and the towers disappeared before my eyes but I was not afflicted and built new ones.
My childhood in this tender and warm city was an unusual gift of destiny. My parents left me frequently and I remained with my grandmother and grandfather. Probably, it was the happiest time in my life. Never later I was dipped into such a sea of kindness and warmth.
With hidden ways from generation to generation transferred the information on Pharaoh's Cylinders in these legendary places. Three thousand and two hundred years passed since the time when Ramzes set his armies to the north with his hands beckoning...
Captivated by the secret of an origin of ancient cylinders, I tried to find their traces in the monuments of other civilizations, but vainly peered in Maui of the Easter Island, into relief images of Bekhistun rock, in temple sculptures of Angkora and India...
Only in medical texts on clay tablets from Ashur and Nineviya, dated XI-VI centuries before AD the message on the metal tubes used alongside with other medical tools was found out. But who knows, what kind of tubes they were...
In mayaya's "The Book of Prophet Jaguar" the description of the destruction of the mysterious country (Atlantida) is given in this way: "A giant downpour had unexpectedly flown, it was raining when thirteen gods lost the staffs, heavens fell, when four gods, four bakabs smashed it…" But staffs could be the symbols of authority and they looked differently for different peoples.
So, the secret of Pharaoh's Cylinders was lost in the temple mysteries of devoted Egyptians. Oh, if the lost texts of the Alexandria library have started talking! However, Cylinders could be considered the secret of special importance and not to get on pages of library manuscripts.
At the geological map of Northern Africa I found mentions of all components necessary for manufacturing Cylinders.
I got the additional information on the Egyptian "trace" from Moscow journalist Andrew Dyatlov. He showed a great interest to the Pharaoh's Cylinders and became the author of the first publication on this theme in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", 29.03.1996.
"…Today out of curiosity I started to read a book on "Anthologies of Mysterious Cases", printed in "Engineering of Youth." Imagine my amazement when I found there an article "Negroes in the territory of a gold fleece." It is about Abkhazian Negroes whom probably you saw there long ago. As I understand, some quite known facts are covered there (Gerodot, etc.), but there is something that, probably, passed your attention by.
This article tells us in short some facts about the research of the writer Dimity Gulia (in your direction) on the history of Abkhazia and about Colches. In particular, there is a curious list of some geographical names. I shall reproduce them in the succession given in the book. Attention! The first word is the name in Abkhazia, the second one is in Abyssiania (!):
Districts, Villages, Cities
Gumma - Gumma
Bagada - Bagad
Samkhhariya - Samchara
Nabesh - Habesh
Goandar - Gondar
Koldakhvari - Kotlakhari
Chellow - Chelov

Tabakurr - Dabakurr
Khobby - Khobby
Ghuma - Ghuma
Atbara - Atbara
Abasha - Abasha

Zaskhan - Zaskhal
Shabak - Shabakoo
Ghubaz - Ghubaze
Salida - Sabita
The history is repeated: I can remind you of Paris and Berlin in Russia - so the villages were named by the soldiers who came back from campaigns against Napoleon and having passed Europe, almost just the same the French word "bistro" appeared from the Russian word "bistro" (quickly). If we look at the map of America, (the USA) we'll see a number of St. Petersburgs, Moscows and Orleans (let New) and York! Natives from different places left the memory of the native land - it was more habitual and cozier for them.
The names of the rivers, the most ancient names, the cities were possible to be renamed and named later though if Zanzibar, that nowadays takes place with returning the names of the streets. But the names of their own as well as the names of the rivers, lakes, woods and mountains have been holding for centuries.
I have a look at the geographical atlas… Really, Atbara is the inflow of the Blue Nile, it falls down from Abyssinian highlands in Ethiopia. It is basically filled up with monsoon rains and snows thawing in mountains. And the same river flows in Abkhazia. Ethiopia is bounded more closely with Egypt. There was even a dynasty of pharaohs whose veins had the Egyptian blood.
So one thing is clear: distances were an obstacle for people in those remote times. That's what Alexander Snisarenko writes in the most interesting book "The Third Zone of Wisdom".
"Historians and people studying religion are amazed with something, as though not explained similarity between some sides of cults as though forming a belt between the thirtieth and fortieth parallels of the Northern Hemisphere Egypt - Mesopotamia - India - China - Japan. Then it is logically to assume that the lunar cult of the cow and the bull, whose horns remind the horns of the moon (not without reason all the lunar goddesses were represented horned) the attendants - priests have brought them with themselves to Egypt. From India? While it is the last point where it is possible to look after the beginning of many migrations. But not the first not a cradle. It is considered not without a basis, that both Egyptian and Indian priests came to those countries as conquerors from the more advanced state. What state? The answer is not present yet. One thing is clear - knowledge, that they had, gave them an unlimited authority over local tribes."