en  :  book16 First research works

Chapter III: Cylinders’ Medical Characteristics                                       



In 1989 after the events of the 9th of April in Georgia, I understood that it was impossible to stay there any longer. The deepest crack appeared in relations between peoples. The worthless policy of the criminal governors destroyed a huge country. I pitied to leave friends, city, native scientific research institute, laboratory of isotope effects, which had been guided by me for the last six years… 
The town of Pushkin met us with a warm rain and the silent rustle of the leaves in the famous parks of Tsarskoye Selo.
The possibility to carry out deep professional research of Pharaoh’s Cylinders characteristics and to come nearer to unfolding their secret at least a little appeared simultaneously with moving of my family to Tsarskoye Selo. The new job on the post of professor at Physics Chair at Higher Naval College gave me a bit of spare time and I planned the suggested actions. First- it was necessary to address physicians : because Cylinders have healing effects. Second- I needed to talk to physicists-experimenters: because what we had learnt about Cylinders in our research scientific institute was obviously insufficient. And finally I needed consultations with Egyptologists.
Looking for like-minded people I visited healers-psychics’ meetings. The psychics threw irrational looks at the audience and splashed energy to the right and to the left. They splashed so much of it that from the point of view of a physicist, they should have stopped their existence for to restore their stocks they hadn’t had enough energy of their mortal bodies. I left the hall soaking wet with energy as an over-inked blotter, but couldn’t contact the healers, because something stopped me usually.
A little later I got aquatinted with a wonderful person, G.N.Dulnov, a professor, who was investigating paranormal abilities of a human.
Dulnov’s approach to the business was scientific without any grandiosity and newspaper sensations. Earlier he had been studying the unique phenomenon of N.Kulagina.
At professor’s discussions there used to be several psychics, who were very sociable and lively people. It seemed to me that they made Gennady Nicolayevich tired. I told Dulnyov about the Cylinders and he became interested in them. We held some testing experiments.
was on Dulnyov’s equipment when the Cylinders first manifested themselves like ordinary investigated material objects.
An examinee ( one of the professor’s employees) was placed on the chair and glued over with gauges. At the moment of taking Cylinders in hands the organism of the tested person “shouted”. Thermal parameters went random and then relaxed slowly to the permanent ones. Simultaneously the heating of this or that part of the body appeared. One of the experiments resulted in a strange way: body temperature rose for one degree but the thermal streams from the body surface remained the same. It couldn’t have happened from physicist’s point of view.
In general separate observations showed the existence of some sort of a great Cylinder influence on human, but it couldn’t clear anything.
One of the psychics looked at the examinee, who took Cylinders into hands and screamed:” Look! His energy canals are being cleaned before our eyes! Only powerful psychics could do it by this moment”.
At Dulnyov’s chair I got acquainted to one more interesting person-professor Konstantin Georgievich Korotkov, who is working in the sphere which lies literally between life and death. He was the first one to carry out the experiments for researching Kirlian luminescence *
[*Kirlian luminescence is the shining of objects and organics in high –frequency fields.]
in the first days after man’s death. The results of the experiments are amazing and show the existence of complex processes in man’s body after his death. These processes are not of the disintegration kind . They have a clear tendency to strengthen at night. Moreover the character of these processes differs greatly depending on the kind of death of a person, i.e. whether the death was natural, violent or was the result of the suicide.
Korotkov made a few of target experiments with Pharaoh’s Cylinders, using Kirlian diagnostics. The experiments showed informational clarifying of the attributes of illnesses or, to put it clearly, presence of Cylinder’s influence of some kind on unhealthy organs of the human organism.
Other experimenters confirmed that they felt circulating streams of energy in the body and sharpening of every feeling.
Curious suggestions and hypothesis concerning mysterious Cylinders were in the letters of a Moscow journalist Andrew Dyatlov, about whom I had already spoken. I make a quotation from them:
“ Your story about Cylinders has much intrigued me and I am looking through the library of our editorial office with pleasure to become useful for you at least a little.
In particular I have flipped through Carter’s book about Tutankhamen’s tomb and the book edited in 1940 “ Myths of Ancient Egypt” by M.Z.Matye. The second book turned out to be more interesting than the first one, because I couldn’t find anything exact, any “ by piece” description of that what had been found in the tomb of Tutankhamen in the book of Carter. And judging by the commentaries Carter had not had time to issue it. But even there there are curious things, which probably will help you or may be useful.
For example one of the pharaoh’s scepter variations is named “hepr” in Egypt (it differs from a hook-like scepter-“heket”). This one represents a kind of vertical gold “ edge-oar” or a little “ shovel” on the handle. If you remember Russian bogatyrs (heroes in Russian folklore) had a special cudgel-“hoper” or “hopr” which also looked like a set of vertical “edge-oars” on a short vertical handle.
Further about Gor defeating Set… I have already told you and want to draw your attention to the words “ Gor” and “George” once more, to their assonance, and you can compare the visual image by yourself. I will state a completely fantastic hypothesis, which is not backed by anything, but if you pay attention to your native places, than you can easily remember that the name Gruzia in other languages sounds like “ George” (Georgia), why not the echo of some “Gor’s land”? It is concerning your search about Ramses and his warriors march.
By the way it was noted in the book that many myths of Ancient Egypt gave a start to Christian myths about the Virgin, about saint warriors and etc. I find a special curiosity in one of the religious rites of Osiris: the priests made a flat wooden image- Osiris’s silhouette and then strewed it with grain (inside the contour) and watered to give the grains to sprout. It became a ”grass-like” image of god’s silhouette.
“ Don’t you think that the story with Turin shroud of Christ resembles the one of the Saviour not made by hands when an imprint or the image of God is left on something? It is concerning our talk where Christ had traveled and what he had been studying and if to remember such a simple thing as Jews flee from Egypt. And that means that during their life there they involuntary brought in their rites the echo of Egyptian way of life, their mentality and etc. Here I think, it is very interesting that Hebrews do not mention anything close to Egyptian sacraments and myths, excluding the rescue from the COPPER idol in the shape of a snake. In general copper pursues this entire story with cylinders.
As for the New Testament, Christ probably took many things from the secrets of Egypt.
Perhaps you also will be interested in Carter’s note that on ritual amulets and decorations which had a picture of the Lunar and the Solar disks, the Lunar one had always been made of gold and silver alloy (Carter emphasizes) and the Solar disk-from gold and copper alloy.
Further my attention was drawn by the description of two subjects, which had been found on unswaddling of Tutankhamen’s mummy. Mostly because they are of a curious shape and the main thing is, Carter writes, that the purpose of them is unknown. The first amulet is in Y-shape; something like this was mentioned in “ Texts of Sarcophagi” , Carter says, and was named there “ abt” or “ abet” –something similar to a crook. On the same place, to the left of the stomach veils, another subject was found, something reminding a T-square with the length, as I understand it, about 15 cm, because it reached the upper part of the left hip. Carter doesn’t write what those things were made of but because further he finds it necessary to inform about that the plate closing a wound on the body, which had been used by the embalmers, was made of iron, unusual for tomb metal, then most likely, both amulets were made of “usual” metals-gold, silver and copper.
As for the shape of pharaohs’ and priests’ crooks, about which I have said (forking at the bottom end) then, alas, I remembered that upto now snake hunters use these crooks to catch snakes. It is convenient to press snake’s head with a turnpike. So in Egypt where I suppose there are plenty of snakes, this type of crook is very usual and has nothing in common with rituals. Later I found the same idea at Carter’s book.
But then another thought visited me about the probability of Cylinders absence in the tombs: they couldn’t be there, because Cylinders are the “means of communication with gods”. And why does a deceased one need them if he can communicate with gods directly without the mediators-Cylinders? They probably were just not put into the tombs. And we find only the things that the ground has kept for us. And where is the furniture of the temples? Where are their treasures? Where is that mass of ritual things, which had been left out of the burial places, somehow keeping them out of reach of robbers and conquerors- on the surface, in the temples? It evaporated in the times, robbered, devastated with wars and fires. And why should the cylinders made of precious metals that were left on the surface stay untouched? Are they better than any other temple utensils, which came to us mostly in pictures?
Moreover it seems to me that if I want to find the traces of Cylinders I have to do it in later times, because they are quite resistant to wear and can serve longer and thus wander in the direction of our times. The question is whether they have survived and what they could be turned into? Though I suppose they were simply melted after losing the knowledge about their actual meaning. The more so as you correctly suggest that due to their usage by the devoted ones the number of them was just a few.”
I need to tell that the statements that the Cylinders have never been found are not quite correct. In Metropolitan museum, in New York, in the Egyptian Hall there are two tubes among the ancient finds of the unidentified character, one of those is obviously made of copper-containing metal, and the second one is made of dark very much oxidized metal. In their size the objects are close to the sizes of Cylinders.
The similar find was made in Iraq in forties. At the excavation of the ancient tomb two hollow objects in the shape of cylinders were found. The character of their oxidation forced the scientists to suggest that they had been used as galvanic batteries.
At the absence of the exact knowledge there can be plenty of hypothesis… If one could make a list, it would be rather sound. Beginning with the opinion that Pharaoh’s Cylinders are folded and aroma-containing handkerchiefs (A.O. Bolshakov) and finishing with the idea that they are Atlases’ power machines.
Nevertheless without depending on the author and the time of their creation, Pharaoh’s Cylinders are absolutely real material objects, which can be and must be investigated with all the means of the modern science.