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This book is devoted to my friend Ruslan Dobrovolsky


Before you, my dear Reader, is the book how due to a find of the ancient manuscript, one of the surprising riddles of Ancient Egypt, the secret of Pharaoh’s Cylinders was opened.
Not less surprising and unexpected there was also that the secret knowledge of the Egyptian priests embodied in the Pharaoh’s Cylinders, salutary influences health of the person.
With researches of Cylinders the own way of the author full of researches and doubts is inseparably linked, which I have tried to reflect in this book.
Alongside with the story about the results of scientific observation, the attempt has been done to present how data on these mysterious subjects could be transferred from generation to generation during thousands of years.
Now the Pharaoh’s Cylinders have been already made according to the ancient recipe and hundreds of people have tested on themselves their salutary influence. But now I invite the Reader to Share the admiration of the great civilization with me which have blossomed on the Nile’s coasts thousand years ago and also to go through excitement and the burning curiosity many years accompanying me which have been carried out in searches of the sense of mysterious subjects in hands of ancient Egyptian Sculptures.

Vladimir Kovtoun