en  :  book04 Mysterious sculptures

Chapter I. The attraction of true                                                            



In spite of the fact that I had been working in scientific research institute for long years and was a greatly busy man, nevertheless I tried to continue the acquaintance with Ancient Egypt and, probably had an understanding, and presentiment of its huge role in my life. There's a secret in this invisible attraction of Egypt. There are lots of such examples in the life. In what way, so to say, a seven-year old boy Henry Shliman will find Troy? And an Egyptian archeologist Govard Karter will surely look for the Tutanchamon's tomb just in the Tsar's Valley, which has been digged up by the explorers here and there, in that place where it was impossible to find anything . And he has found it! These examples are not the only ones in archeology.
The novel-book by K. Keram "Gods, tombs, scientists" has caused in me a real interest to Egypt. The history of excavation of Tutanchamon's tomb has gasped me entirely.
I shared all the things that I had read with my friends, who concerned to my passion with understanding and knew about a riddle disturbing me for along time. I have noticed in a museum near St. Petersburg Pavlovsk palace for the first time what I have seen earlier in photos, but didn't pay attention to: two short cylinders in the hands of false Egypt sculptures which have settled down along the walls of a lobby. And I have recollected at once: I saw the same cylinders in grandee Ranofer's hands on the illustration of the book "The General history of arts".
Having returned to the lobby after the excursion, I took an interest at the guide what those cylinders mean.
- "They are most likely the handles of stretchers," - the guide stated the assumption.
- "I do not think, - I objected. "The Egyptians were very exact in the image of details. Look, shoulders in sculptures are not intense, hands are free..."
- "Don't forget, they are not originals."
- "Well, generally, yes, - I agreed. - "It is necessary to look in books..."
Mysterious cylinders disturbed me. I rummaged all the books about Egypt at home and found out the pharaoh had ??she stretchers...
Later I saw cylinders in the hands of the sculptures representing sitting Egyptians. The version of the handles of a stretcher finally disappeared. What could it be? Any attributes of authority? But on pharaohs mitre there was an image of the golden shake - a symbol of wisdom, and they held one long staff in their hands… I felt that I don't have enough knowledge and again addressed to the books. Egypt was grasping me more and more.