en  :  book24 Pair work with the pharaoh's cylinders

Chapter III: Cylinders’ Medical Characteristics                                       



As it was mentioned earlier, pair work with the Pharaoh’s Cylinders is intended for alignment general psycho-energetic potential of relatives and people who are close spiritually. A quicker temp of life of the modern world each day offers us new non-standard situations, requiring our reaction in the widest interval of emotions – from extreme “minus” up to not less significant “plus”. And, having met in the evening after work, a wife and a husband can appear on the different poles of this interval. It is clear that probability of “short circuit” sharply grows. But even “one polarizes” of the mood yet doesn’t mean that the quarrel won’t take a place. Different psychic steadiness, a degree of tiredness, old problems and necessity to solve new ones, all these make the conditions for beginning to “spark”. Here the Pharaoh’s Cylinders can help you.
Don’t wait for the “storm” (and if the first attributes of it have already appeared, be able to overcome your irritation) and take the Cylinders in your hands. Thus it is possible both to stand and to sit. The Solar Cylinder should be in the right hand of the one who is more steady and fresh. The Moon one – in the left hand of the one who is more tired and sick. Take your hands and spend this way 5-10 minutes. Having finished your energetic and psycho-emotional potentials, start the further discussion of your problems.
Indispensable condition for pair work is the relaxation of both working and kind set to each other. Help the Cylinders to help you. For this, having relaxed you can mentally pronounce the statement “I am calm, I am calm…”. Then remember that the person who is sitting with you is very close to you, helped you more than once. Remember all the good things connected with him. Make your part of work, then the Pharaoh’s Cylinders will make theirs.
You shouldn’t think that the pair work with the Cylinders must be a part of the program “anti-quarrel”. If you are young and your relations are just developing, then to hold your hands together is a specially exciting event. And if you have in your free hands ambassadors of the Ancient World, this occasion will turn out mystical and out of order. If you are experienced lovers, then, after boisterous caresses and hugs, you will feel how quickly the Pharaoh’s Cylinders restore your forces psycho-emotional balance. Well, at last, it is very interesting to work together with the stars. Such an action I wouldn’t even like to call a work. Take the Cylinders in your hands and communicate with your constellations, give them to each other and know that in these happy moments of your affinity to the Universe you take into your hearts the voices of the most distant parts of it. Learn to listen to them.
You shouldn’t think that the pair work with the Pharaoh’s Cylinders suits only for the opposite sex. Remember how peculiarly sportsmen – volleyball players touch each others’ palms or tips of the fingers after a successful attack or a conquered matchpoint of the team. This tradition appeared not accidentally. Any sport team (and not only sport) represents itself as an alive organism in a way. And the more harmoniously separate parts of this organism work, the more successful the result will be. And for the click work it is necessary to have a mutual understanding. And, not just a mutual understanding on the level of words and gestures, but mutual understanding on the level of bio-fields, that is reached by an easy touch of each other.
Before the entrance to the sports ground of the sportsmen you can greatly improve their energetic and energy-informational contact if all the members of the team one by one will hold the Pharaoh’s Cylinders in their hands for 5 minutes.
Understanding how problematically the getting to the space ship of each unplanned inboard is, we could express a hope that some day it will happen to the Pharaoh’s Cylinders. All the more so that their work in the conditions of weightlessness have never been explored.
In general any new object in a science is a fertile field for explorers, and from this point of view everyone who takes the Pharaoh’s Cylinders in his hands becomes a scientist with the perspective to discover something yet unknown.
If you’ve got a generation gap in your family or if your child became naughty, don’t hurry up to berate the “disturber of calmness”. May be here the pair work with the Cylinders will help you again.
Put the child (if he is above 7) by your side and give him in his left hand the Moon Cylinder. Take his right hand and take the Solar Cylinder into your right hand. Sit for about 5 minutes in silence or telling your son or a daughter something interesting. Represent it to him as a fairy tale game and never force your child to it. Don’t make it even in the case if you are angry as well. In this case it will be better if your son or a daughter will communicate with the Pharaoh’s Cylinders alone, while you can just sit beside.