en  :  book29 One more riddle

Chapter IV: One more riddle                                                                 





In first half of 90th in Russia the book “Energy Of Pyramids. Magic Rod And Star Pendulum” was published under A.A.Litvinenko’s edition. Among the number of traditionally “unscientific” methods of exploring the world there was a fragment of uncompleted manuscript by mysterious American with Polish roots Kont Stefan Valevski published with the title “The System Of The Caucasian Yoga”. What a surprise it was when while reading this manuscript I made sure that it has the same source as the found by Ruslan Dobrovolskij “Secrets Of Life And Death”. Moreover, on one of the pages of K.S.Valevski’s notes the “cores of force” made of zinc and cuprum by ancient Egyptians were mentioned. Not mentioning the exact compounding of the “cores of force” and bringing in it elements of modern technologies (burning cores for electric arc lamps), K.S.Valevski writes about “special change of the structure of molecules” of the stuff. 
According to the information anticipating the manuscript of K.S.Valevski, before the 20s of our century he has visited the Caucasus (!) where in the mountains he received an initiation from the leaders of the secret esoteric unity. I was shocked. To get to the Caucasus at that time of raging with revolutionary events… Incredibly!
But what or who induced Valevski – subsequently the known collector, the owner of the shop “Esoteric” – to start so far and dangerous way? I felt the presence of a big Secret…
Valevski’s manuscript is uncompleted. Many of its pages make an impression that something was left behind. Why? May be he was forbidden to disclose the received knowledge?
“Don’t make harm!” – this principle was always represented tome as the basic in any activity, including scientific. So, - again Caucasus. A place where I was born and lived for a very long time – in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia. But… why he was a polish who came to the Caucasus at the 20s? Apparently it was destiny that led me all my life by the steps of for a long time gone people and passed events: Abkhazia, Azerbaijan where I saw with my own eyes some impressive ceremonies of zoroastristians (K.S.Valevski received his knowledge from the followers of Zoroastrism). Georgia where the “Secrets Of Life And Death” were found. And at last (nearly I am not surprised) I receive an invitation to come to Poland where the 5th anniversary esoteric festival will take place and where I have to tell about the Pharaoh’s Cylinders…
The invitation came from pani Teresa Senkovskaja and her husband – professor of Schetinski polytechnic institute of Mikalaj Terri, whom I once met in St.-Petersburg.
Having arrived to Poland I, alas, haven’t met witty and cheerful professor Terri any more… His ashes are situated on the ancient Rakovinskoe cemetery of the town of Krakow nowadays, and I’ll never forget that he wanted to translate my written book in Polish. This courageous man gave his energy and forces not only to Poland but also to Russia: he was aware with a medal “For Defense Of Leningrad”.
And the ancient city Krakov has struck with its beauty and inner force. My guides were pani Teresa and a flashing and talented Polish writer Zgibnev Sveg with whom we very quickly made friends. “Look! – told Sveg pointing with his hand to the magnificent cathedral basing on powerful fortifications. – It is our pride – Vavel!” Vavel… Sounds like an oath…
The Castle of Polish kings, separate buildings of which in total are more than thousand years, Vavel is located on a high rock above Visla. According to the unanimous opinion of bio-energetic here is the one of energetically centers of the Earth. If it existed here before Vavel or it became so because of many centers of history of the castle – I don’t know. I am not a bio-energetic. But that the Vavel really has a bewitching power of outstanding work of art – doesn’t cause doubts.
I’ve got presents from Sveg – books written by him. For eight years the writer has been working in libraries and archives of Vavel, and the result of this hard work was a new point of view on its history and mysteries connected with the royal tombs. I looked through the books of Sveg and felt a strong desire to study Polish language. Kont Valevski also spoke in that language. However, listening attentively to the Polish speech I discovered with surprise that I can understand a lot – Russian and Polish are enough close languages.
It was completely clear that for such a short time of my residence in Poland, I shall not manage to learn anything about Valivski and his life. But, having taken advantage of a case, I have asked some questions to the expert people. Valevski is an ancient and very notable Polish family, indirectly in some mystical way adjoining with Egypt. Family of Valevski came of Roman patricians Colonna and had the same coat of arms.
Colonna is a mighty family, among which were representatives of cardinals, scientists, poets and politicians. The power and influence of Colonna were so great that sometimes it obscured the power of Vatican. Maria Colonna Valevski was a passionate love of emperor Napoleon, and their son – earl Florian Alexander Zhosef Colonna, a minister, senator and diplomat, was engaged in literary activity. In particular, one of his books was written together with Alexander Djuma. As an editor of one of the French newspapers and later as a diplomat, he traveled a lot and for a long time lived far from motherland, including in Egypt. That is all what I managed to know in general about family of Valivski. If there were other initiated in this family or Kont Stefan Valevski was the one stays unknown.
Time and bloody wars have grinned in its terrible grinders a lot of lives. Partly the connections were interrupted between those who were initiated and were inheritors and keepers of ancient knowledge. And nevertheless, much comes back.
The Krakov impressions were prompt and bright. The coat of arms of Krakov is a symbol of hospitality: an open city gate with a white eagle in the middle. The 5th esoterically festival was filled with an atmosphere of friendliness. On the numerous nicely decorated desks of a large three stored building of the Palace of culture in the new residential area of Krakov severe scientific equipment and amulets of North American Indians, computers and books on numerology peacefully lived side by side. Among the participants of the festival there were physics and Philippine healers, astrologists and professional fortunetellers, akmeologists and representatives of modern medicine. May be it should be so? Anyway on the Festival in Krakov it was so, and this unexpected symbiosis looked quite natural.
It was enough to look at some participant of the Festival to receive a friendly open smile. Nobody agitated “for mysticism” and didn’t shout that “materialism is a call-girl of socialism”. The representatives of the positive thinking also behaved commendable. Among 160 of lecturers of the Festival I managed to listen to only 10-12, and there were no one arid among them. Zgibnev Sveg told about legends of Vavel very brightly and vividly, bewitching the public. Charming and gallant Lucian Parfenovich promptly and professionally played with figures, reduced human destinies and historical events. There were long lines to the studies of the Philippine surgeons. The people leaving them were confused and perplexedly looked form side to side. I manage to talk to one of the patients. – Tell me about your impressions, - I asked her. – Well, I’ve got no special impressions… It was painful a little bit. And when after a session I dared to look at the place – I saw only a lightly reddening. – And what about a result? Did it help? – I just can say that it hurt before the operation, but now it doesn’t. I don’t know what will be further. – Well… mystery, - I said. The same could repeat all the visitors of the Philippine surgeon Dzhosef Secundo. A wonderful portrait of your soul Regina Sidorkevich could make. In multi-colored items there was past, present and future of your “self”. Many told that the mystical paintings were really comfortable for their souls. The Lection on reincarnation by pani Teresa Zenkovski collected so many people that the auditorium couldn’t contain all who wanted to listen to her. Under numerous requests they had to repeat the lecture the next day.
In corridors and foyer there was a great number of stones and minerals, they were put according to the horoscope and skillfully processed. The presence on the Festival of such sparkling and precious fall made a wonderful mode. And flowers, a lot of flowers… It was easy to think and to rest with the sounds of healing music and light adores of the flowers.
The Pharaoh’s Cylinders caused in Krakov a great interest and a lot of questions. As I have already had sufficient information from representatives of official medicine, I was more interested in impressions of explores of nontraditional areas of knowledge. I should say that they, in general, checked with those that I heard from the specialists of the similar structure in Russia: general harmonization, strengthening of the protective and restorative properties, wonderful arrangement for meditative and energetically practices.
I was leaving Poland reluctantly. The train “Berlin – St.Petersburg” was taking me into the night and I was staying with memories and analyzing. Every person I met in the country tried to help me, even if he was just a passer-by. And may be thanks to their warmth I could slightly touch the secret of Kont Valevski – an Initiator, a man of great soul and high purposes.